The Wild Oak Trail 25+/100+/200+
"Wild Oak is Wild Oak. If you have any questions, don't come."
- Dennis Herr, Founder

The Wild Oak Trail 25+/100+/200+
"Wild Oak is Wild Oak. If you have any questions, don't come."
- Dennis Herr, Founder
Praise to the finishers of every running category... There are not many.
TWOT Course Records:
25 mile/1 loop, Fastest Finisher Times, F/M:
100 mile/4 loops, Fastest Finisher TImes, Top Three Overall:
200 mile/8 loops, Fastest Finisher Times, Top Three Overall:
Complete results below on the previous finishers list. There are not many who dare toe the line of any distance at TWOT and even fewer actual finishers. All who are a part of TWOT are applauded and celebrated for embracing the challenge of the Wild Oak Trail!
the basics
Please read this website carefully and do not overestimate your abilities. Hear about TWOT from finisher interviews on The Wild Oak Trail YouTube site.
The Wild Oak Trail Event is a grass roots, non-profit, for the participants-by the participants, demanding and exhausting trail, known to be one of the most difficult trails on the East Coast, founded by Dennis Herr in 1988. It was passed on to have direction under Guy Towler Jr to direct as of 2023. It is an opportunity for participants to enjoy the Wild Oak Trail loop for 25+, 100+, and 200+ miles in the George Washington National Forest near Mt. Solon, Virginia. The course is a 25+ mile loop with just over 7,000 feet of vertical gain. The plus (+) indicates additional mileage on the loop which is rounded to make life more exciting. While much of the trail surface is trekkable, there are also rocky, technical stretches that make smooth running quite challenging, even for elite athletes. Simply finding the trailhead can be an adventure.
There is no official aid. The course is not marked. This not your average trail race.
If you do not know about TWOT, the winter edition, or Hot TWOT, the fall edition, please learn more about them before you consider participating, both for your safety and the safety of the race.
Since this is a semi-invitational, here are some guidelines to help you determine if you are "invited", or, more aptly, not invited:
There are two active race months under The Wild Oak Trail event banner. The original TWOT takes place in the chilly vestiges of February and Hot TWOT examines the last of the leaf color changes in October. Temperatures vary and will likely be challenging.
200+ MILE, 100+ MILE, and 25+ MILE: FEB 2025 (TWOT)
Race dates: February 05-09, 2025
Registration: Opens August 1 2024
Race start for 200+ Weds Feb 5 at 8 am
Race start for 100+ Friday Feb 7 at 8 am
Race start for 25+ Saturday Feb 8 at 8 am
Midnight option starts at midnight Friday, going into Saturday
100+ MILE and 25+ MILE: OCT 2024 (Hot TWOT)
Race dates: October 04-06, 2024
Registration: Open
Include all requested information outlined in the registration section of the TWOT website.
Race start for 100+, Friday 10/04 at 8 AM
Race start for the 25+ Midnight Challenger, Friday at MIDNIGHT
Race start for 25+, 10/05 at 8 AM
REGISTRATION: See more on registration under registration below.
Available entry slots are limited. For all events, register via using the registration requirements listed.
John Fegyveresi, Barkley Finisher, TWOT 100 finisher.
Directions that may work:
I-81 to Exit 240 then Rte 257 West to Bridgewater. Left on Main St. (Rte 42). Right on Rte 727 (right after crossing bridge). Six miles on 727 to Sangerville. Left on Rte 730. Six miles on 730. Right on Rte 718. One mile on 718. Cross cement bridge, do a right-left dogleg onto FDR 95. 0.1 mile on 95 to trailhead parking lot on the right.
There is limited parking in the small lot right at the trail head. Only 100+ and 200+ mile participants are to park at trailhead (if there is room. There will likely be other trail users using the small lot, too).
A secondary parking option is back down FDR 95 at its junction with Tillman Road/Tilghman Road, roughly 100 yards from the parking lot entrance. You would be wise to park here instead. Do NOT park in front of the entrance to the girl scout camp (Camp May Flather), which you will pass just before the road junction on your way in. Do NOT park in front of any gates! See Guy for clarification if you arrive and have questions regarding the parking. Carpool when possible.
Some navigational aids, such as Garmin, have provided unreliable directions to the start at the TWOT lot. In the past Google Maps is reliable, and a query of "Wild Oak Trail, Fr 95, West Augusta, VA" will lead you directly to the correct parking area. To be safe, use the directions here and consult a paper map.
Drop bags
The TWOT Team will accommodate dropping of supply bags. However, picking them up is the responsibility of the participants. Bags are to be marked with participant name and cross-road destination.
Note for 4 and 8 loop runners: All foods in these bags must be sealed with bear resistant pouches.
Cut-off Time
Official race cut off time for the 200+ is 98 hours, for the 100+ is 48 hours, and for the 25+ is 12 hours.
Prepare for a delay in the results going live. Maybe a week, maybe a month, and in the past some amendments have taken more than a year.
There are no official facilities other than the woods. Bring a trowel and a baggie or two.
Participant Fitness and DNFs
Before each loop, participants must self-assess to determine they are in condition to last an entire loop. The race directing team retains the discretion to postpone or eliminate performance for emotional or mental distress, for example mental disorientation and audible or visual hallucinations. If a participant drops at one of the road crossings, no one will be there to give a lift back. It is a 9 mile trek to the Main Lot from the road crossings; all participants are encouraged to know the way back.
If you do not know who Dennis Herr is, read up on him before you come. This is his idea you're participating in. Ask your trail loving friends before and during the event, they'll know.
If you do not have any trail loving friends who know, get some new ones who do, or read this:
Dennis is an athletic animal, hence his nickname Dennis “The Animal” Herr. He created Wild Oak 30+ years ago, making it one of the longest-on going, grass-roots, on-trail ultramarathons in the country. He first ran Old Dominion 100 miler in 1982. He was a Barkley “Fun Run” finisher in 1991, winning by going the furthest distance covered that year. He ran Barkley from 1990-1995 and 1999, completing 1 loop each time. “The Animal” was known as an aggressively competitive athlete with his skill sets ranging from runner to mountain adventurer to road cyclist and triathlete. He expanded his dominance over the East Coast mountain scene to the West Coast where he tackled 14ers. Today, Dennis mountain bikes tens of tens of thousands of miles per year. Wild Oak is only one of many events he has organized and coordinated. In short, he is a legend worthy of great respect, not just for his athletic accomplishments, but also for creating The Wild Oak Trail event and KEEPING IT WILD... and ALIVE!
Please kindly note: Because of not one, but two severe, life threatening cycling accidents, Dennis lost his hearing and sense of balance. When you speak with him, look him head-on, and articulate clearly. Do not be surprised if he leans on your shoulder for balance.
Also note: The most important quality of Wild Oak is respect. Respect for race policies and traditions, fellow adventurers, and especially the terra firma you registered to travel.
BY DENNIS HERR, last updated 3/19/2021
Recent course history: The trail path was altered in the summer of 2016, adding mileage and resulting in the loss of some of the original elevation gain.
The Wild Oak National Recreation Trail was created by the Forest Service in 1979 and the fee-based 50 miler was dreamed up in '88. The original course included 19 miles of roads in the North River Gorge along with The Wild Oak Trail (TWOT) extended on the southwest corner to the edge of Ramseys Draft which included Hiner Spring, Hardscrabble Knob and a section of the Shenandoah Mountain Trail. It was morphed into a Double TWOT loop in 1995 and changed to a no-fee event in '01.
The 1990 fee-based 50 miler on the original course was, competitively, the most blistering one ever with times of 7:42, 7:44 and 7:47 by Dave Drach, Eric Clifton and Tom Bugliosi respectively. Dave's time of 7:42 was done on the old and faster course of a loop in the valley by one on Wild Oak in the mountains. This also applies to Eric and Tom's loops. Sadly, Dave and Tom are no longer with us.
Dave Drach's record is from the 1990 on the original and faster course which consisted of a road loop in the North River Gorge followed by an extended loop on Wild Oak while Courtney's and Mike's was done in 1995 on the "new and improved" course of 2 loops on Wild Oak, the first counter-clockwise and the 2nd clockwise. The total climbing on Dave's was 10,000 feet and 16,000 on C&M's
Courtney Campbell and Mike Morton own the mark on the current course of 2 repeating loops of TWOT at 9:27 in 1995. In 2018, John Kelly blazed through the 100 in 23:48. Guy Towler owns the record with the most consecutive 100 miler completions with 3, challenged by Rob Tidwell and Peter Morgan who both just came shy of 3 consecutive 100 mile finishes. Due to blizzards, TWOT was cancelled in '94, '05 and '10. The elevation differential for the 100 is roughly 60,000' (gain and loss).
David Frazier holds the fastest one loop time from 2013 with 4:14. Along with Dave's 4:14, his brother Mike is #2 with 4:37. Andy Stravers is 3rd with 4:43 instead of Leah Yingling's 4:56. There are several in the low 4:50s ahead of Leah but too many to identify.
Yours truly was the initial charter member of the TWOT100 club in 2002 (34:02) at age 55, the only member for 3 years.
The Oct. TWOT was added to the Feb event in 2004 due to a high demand for some Hot TWOT. My intention was to make it my 4th completion of the year along with Massanutten, Big Horn and Hardrock. Was stymied by being hit with a. fib. (atrial fibrillation). It has plagued me for 30 years.
Hi. I am Guy Towler Jr, the current Race Director of TWOT. I consider myself more of a guide or facilitator, than director. This event belongs to you, the TWOT family (past, present, and future). What I love most about this event is the way it impacts us all in a way that is almost impossible to describe. The Wild Oak spirit attracts great people, and then brings out the very best in them. I will do my best to honor the deeply-held traditions of TWOT, and keep it "Wild & Free". I look forward to seeing old friends come back, and heartily invite any and all newcomers who feel the call of the Wild Oak Trail in your heart.
RD History
Dennis Herr created the 25+/1-loop and 100+/4-loop mile divisions of The Wild Oak Trail, starting in 1988. In 2018, the 200+/8-loop mile division was created and the first finishers to complete this distance were Todd Thomas, Jason Brady, and Eric Harris in 2021.
A weary John Kelly, the course record holder for the 100 after the historical, and the only, sub-24 TWOT 100+ mile finish. (23:48 in 2018)
Learn more about his adventure here.
John Kelly, March 2021, as quoted in Ultrarunning World Magazine, UK:
"TWOT is one of those events that captures the essence of what I love about ultrarunning: an incredible challenge focused on personal goals rather than hype and fanfare, a beautiful course, and the opportunity to share it all with a great group of people out there after the same thing. Of all the things I've done in ultrarunning that are much more widely known, my weekend at the 2018 TWOT 100 will always be one of my most cherished experiences and my sub 24 hour run there one of my proudest achievements."
Downloadable pdf of previous 100 and 200 mile finishers. Give them a few minutes at the trailhead to share their hallucinations.
Entry is via email:
REQUIRED Basic Information:
Optional to share:
REQUIRED additional Information
ALL Participants
IMPORTANT: Participants are responsible for themselves and are required to sign a waiver before race start. The Wild Oak Trail Event Management Team takes no responsibility for any losses, injuries, or expenses occurred.
TWOT YouTube First Place 4 looper interviews (First place runners interviewing one another):
Trails Collective, United States:
*October 2021 200 mile race reviews by Todd Thomas and Jason Brady starting at 1:09:00
Trails Collective, United States:
*February 2022 100 mile race review by solo-finisher David Harlow and 200 mile race review by Eric Harris, Oct 2022 200 mile finisher, starting at 10:40.
irunfar, United States:
ForeRunners Podcast, United States:
Territorio Trail, Spain:
Runners World, Global:
Trails Collective, United States:
More from Trails Collective:
(The Wild Oak Trail Run discussed around 25:15) and the "refreshing" follow up:
(The Wild Oak Trail Run discussed around 14:40).
Washingtonian, Washington, D.C.:
Local Initiative
Since the COVID 19 pandemic began, the TWOT directors doubled efforts to support and contribute locally to the race area.
This is done threefold:
1) Supporting local firewood sources;
2) Donating unopened aid foods and drinks to the local food bank;
3) Highlighting local businesses we frequent in the area including Stokesville Market (look for Sasquatch!) in Stokesville; Sole Focus Running and Chicano Boy Taco in Staunton; Bluestone Running, Brothers Brewing, and Chestnut Ridge Coffee in Harrisonburg.
Please help add to this list of local businesses and support these valuable community resources by emailing us recommendations: Thanks for helping us support the race area's local community!
Pictured: Rob Tidwell. In Feb 2018, Rob wrote, "TWOT was a weekend of unsung heroes and heroines, lessons learned (and relearned), mistakes, burpees, friendship, wacky weather patterns, ego, humility, quiet confidence, quitting, A&W Root Beer, mountain sunrises and ultimately a yummy jar of blueberry jam."
The chosen entry category of 1, 4, or 8 loops is to be declared at registration via email to the RD. Changes to a declared intention, represented here as a change in the number of loops in either direction, will result in the participation being categorized as a “fun-run” for the participant with no official finisher’s time recorded for any distance.
Reminder: There are no aid stations, no pacers, no crew, and no spectators. Drop bags will be facilitated, with participants required to pick them up at the end of their race. Participants are required to self-manage and self-extract. This is a demanding and exhausting course, known to be one of the the most difficult on-trails ultramarathons on the east coast. Prepare accordingly.
Zero tolerance and automatic DQ for the following: littering, poor sportsmanship, visibly inadequate preparation, inability to follow race rules.
Race updates available by following the @TWOT 100 Twitter feed, the @TWOT 200 Twitter feed and @twot100 Instagram page.
Past results can be accessed via the Virginia Happy Trails Running Club's The Wild Oak Trail 100 Mile website. Thank you to Quattro Hubbard his maintenance of this website.
The race management team is not responsible for updating significant others with status reports on participants. Participants are required to inform significant others that they may be out of contact due to limited cell reception while participating for 8 to 98 hours depending on the chosen distance. Twitter updates are not guaranteed.